Upcoming Certification Courses
Pretty Deadly reserves the right to suspend or cancel any certification course if the minimum number of registrations are not met 10 days before course date. Registered participants will receive a full refund if course is canceled.
If Pretty Deadfly Self Defense Ltd. cancels a course or partially cancels a course, registrantss will be notified within 10 calendar days and automatically transferred to the next available course in their region, unless otherwise requested by registrant. Registrants are fully refunded within 45 business days if no transfer is possible.
Registrant is entitled to 100% refund of the course fee paid (including discounted or group rates) if registrant cancels 30 days more more before course start date, 75% refund if registratant cancels 30 days before course date; 50% refund if registrant cancels 15 days before course start date; 25% refund if registrant cancels no less than 3 days before course date. No refund if registrant cancels 2 or less days before start date or does not attend. Some exceptions may apply and are decided on an individual basis.
North America
United Kingdom
PT Workspace Islington
87-89 Shepperton Rd
London N1 3DF

Pretty Deadly was developed for the way we, women, actually learn, the things we actually face, and that's actually taught in a fun and friendly way!
But as much as we like to take scary subjects and make them fun to learn, we take our Trainers seriously. You can rest assured that I and all Pretty Deadly Certified Self Defense Instructors have:
learned effective and encouraging teaching tools to help non-martial artists easily acquire skills
have trauma awareness and support training
know how to design a self defense workshop, course and class that stays useful and relevant while supporting your confidence, self-trust and healthy connection to your body.
~Jennifer Morais, High Wycombe UK
What makes Pretty Deadly a trusted name is the quality of our program. We uphold rigorous quality assurance standards according to the protocols set by CIMSPA UK. If you'd like to review our Quality Assurance, Inclusion, Complaint and Safety Procedures, please send an email to hi@prettydeadlypro.com and we will be happy to share a PDF copy of our current policy documents.
Pretty Deadly certifies martial artists, fitness professionals, community leaders and individuals eager for purposeful work with positive community impact. The criteria you need to meet Pretty Deadly Self Defense Certification requirements are:
Minimum 24 years old *
Fitness trainer certification OR min. 4 years martial arts training OR community leader with min. 20 volunteer hours
Able to attend all online and live sessions within 6 months from your first session date
Successful completion of trainer application
Able to adhere to and comply with Pretty Deadly's Diversity and Inclusion policies
*if you are high school or university student, get in touch to learn about our Community Guide program

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Learn about:
√ Pricing guidelines for max enrollment
√ What marketing works (and why)
√ How to transition students into clients
PS. Works for martial arts and fitness businesses too!